Quality politics
Valves saval sas, is a company dedicated to the design, manufacture and service provision of hydrostatic testing of ball valves from 150 to 1500 psi, for the hydrocarbon and gas industrial sector, which has as a priority, to comply with legal requirements and regulations, the needs and expectations of the relevant stakeholders, through permanent projection to the continuous improvement of the quality management system.
SST Policy
Valves SAVAL SAS, undertakes to plan and execute its activities with social responsibility, taking into account the identification of the hazards to which workers are exposed, assess risk factors and establish controls to mitigate them, in order to implement measures to intervention, to avoid unsafe or substandard acts and conditions, to promote the prevention of occupational diseases, promote the quality of work life, reduce incidents and accidents at work and avoid damage to property.
All this will be achieved with the support of Senior Management, through the annual budget allocation and its dissemination to workers, suppliers, contractors and interested parties, guaranteeing compliance with applicable Colombian legislation on occupational risks, with the In order to continuously maintain and improve the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
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Prevention policy for the consumption of alcoholic beverages, psychoactive substances or drugs, cigarette and inappropriate use of medications
At Valves SAVAL SAS, it is a policy to protect, preserve and maintain the health of our workers and contractors in the work areas, therefore, the organization aims to prevent all personnel and comply with the following aspects:
To disclose to the workers of the company, the damage caused by cigarette smoking to the health of both smokers and passive smokers, as well as the damage caused by the consumption of alcohol, psychoactive substances or drugs and inappropriate use of medications .
Promote participation at all levels of the company in the prevention of the use of alcohol, psychoactive substances or drugs and the inappropriate use of medications.
Help people who have problems related to drugs, medication, smoking and alcohol, making them aware of which are the help and rehabilitation centers.
The consumption and / or commercialization of cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and psychoactive substances or drugs is prohibited in work areas, work activities outside the office or in the facilities of our clients and suppliers, therefore, the most senior position will be responsible for compliance with this policy.
All employees and contractors are prohibited from presenting themselves at the workplace under the influence of the alcohol or effect produced by narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, as well as consuming and / or inciting them to consume at said site, in the same way, the use of any substance that threatens the own safety or that of other workers or contractors for normal job performance.
The supply of medications to workers and contractors without an authorized medical prescription is prohibited.
Road safety policy
Valves SAVAL SAS, is committed to road safety in order to protect, preserve and maintain the health of our workers and contractors, in the same way, avoid damage to property, the assets of the organization and the safety of third parties, by therefore our drivers must fulfill the following responsibilities:
Comply with the regulations established in the National Land Traffic Code according to Law 769 of 2002,
the regulations, traffic and transport rules, technical specifications and others that the organization subscribes, framed in principles of safety, quality, the preservation of a healthy environment and the protection of public space.
Nobody and for any reason should operate a vehicle while being or having been under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs.
We establish awareness strategies for officials through orientation training on the prevention of traffic accidents and respect for vehicular traffic signs, which allow the adoption of proactive behaviors against defensive driving.
Management will allocate the necessary financial, human and technical resources to comply with this policy.
Psychosocial risk prevention policy
In accordance with resolution 2646 of 2008 Valves SAVAL SAS undertakes to:
Conduct permanent training for workers in managing leisure time and managing family relationships, time management, social skills, communication strategies, conflict resolution, training in coping strategies, strengthening work skills, prevention programs consumption of substances such as alcohol, smoking and psychotropic drugs, among others.
Promote institutional values ​​and work ties to create a healthy work environment.
Guarantee respect, treatment and fair salary in the organization.
Avoid workplace harassment through the workplace harassment prevention, conciliation and confidentiality procedure.
Guarantee equity and equal opportunities by defining roles and responsibilities through the coexistence manual and evaluation of the effects of social factors and the psychosocial risk prevention program.
Train staff around psychosocial risk prevention, teamwork, stress, assertive communication.
Disseminate the social welfare program with the support of SENA, EPS, AFP, ICBF, the Family Compensation Fund and the promotion of loans with banks and housing subsidies.
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Policy information processing
VALVULAS SAVAL SAS within the execution of its valve manufacturing and marketing activities, complies with the storage, preservation and proper handling of personal data of all those who in their work and commercial exercise directly, indirectly, permanently or occasionally , can supply any type of information or data to the organization. Therefore, the legal guidelines established in Law 1581 of 2012 and Article 13 of Decree 1377 of 2013 are complied with.
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Anti-corruption policy
VALVULAS SAVAL SAS, creates, implements and maintains an anti-corruption policy that promotes professional and ethical standards in the way of acting at all levels of the organization, in order to prevent, mitigate or eliminate the materialization of risks of misappropriation of assets, accounting fraud, corruption, money laundering and other assets and infringement of intellectual property. Therefore, senior management undertakes to identify current regulations for the regulation and control of anti-corruption and to train its collaborators on issues of the organization's code of ethics and values.
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Conflict of interest policy
VALVULA SAVAL SAS, creates, implements and maintains a policy for the prevention of conflict of interest, the direction of which is that internal personnel who have the authority to make decisions assume impartiality, transparency and integrity, always trying to ensure that organizational interests take precedence over private interests. Therefore, senior management is committed to establishing clear guidelines for handling situations that may represent or be understood as a conflict of interest between collaborators.
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Human rights policy
VALVULAS SAVAL SAS, creates, implements and maintains a policy that protects human rights, based on compliance with the legal requirements established in the national constitution and its legal framework, therefore, this commitment will be reflected in the execution of activities. both internal and external, driven by the interaction of the organization's HSEQ and Human Resources processes with oversight and control by senior management.
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Minors hiring policy
VALVULAS SAVAL SAS, creates, implements and maintains a policy for the prevention or abstinence from hiring minors, in order to comply with the rights of the minor, in the event that, in their development of corporate social responsibility, they require personnel Apprentice or internship activities executed by minors, the organization undertakes to identify and comply with the relevant labor legislation of contractual requirements for minors, ensure that their safety and health at work and occupational well-being are complied with.
I don't know
Last update: 10 July 2018